제목위그노 난민과 계몽주의의 전파: 17-18세기 브란덴부르크-프로이센을 중심으로|윤용선|20212022-08-11 10:32
작성자 Level 10

 위그노 난민과 계몽주의의 전파: 17-18세기 브란덴부르크-프로이센을 중심으로








 Vol.- No.77




 제공처: KCI

Louis XIV persecuted the “pagan” Huguenots, considering the unification of the church as one of the important elements necessary to establish absolutism, and France had to pay a considerable price for it. For neighboring countries, this mistake of French king became an opportunity. The trials that Huguenots had to face as a religious minority led them to the Enlightenment, which advocated rationality and reason. They were able to overcome the state of mental isolation that they could never get out of under the Absolute Monarchy of France through emigration into protestant countries. During the 17th and 18th centuries, when the modern era was in full bloom, the Huguenots migration played a role in spreading new ideas and technology in Europe. In this paper, focusing on the case of Prussia (Brandenburg) in the 17th and 19th centuries, I would like to examine the spiritual effects of the Huguenots emigration. In this regard, first, I would like to pay attention to the courts that were influenced by Calvinism and Enlightenment. Here it will focus on the 17th century Brandenburg elector Friedrich Wilhelm and the 18th century Prussian King Friedrich II. The second theme is the French influence on Prussian culture, including science. To this end, I would like to look into the process of Prussian, geographically far from Western Europe, accepting new ideas and trends through Huguenots refugees and encountering Western Europe.